To learn more about volunteer opportunities within our Aging and Disability Services division, click here.
Without the help and support of volunteers we would never be able to assist 63,000 individuals each year. The following is a list of staff responsible for answering inquiries from potential volunteers and/or volunteers groups.
Please direct all volunteer inquiries to the contacts listed below.
Daybreak Center
For information on volunteering at Daybreak Center and Shepherd’s Table in Joliet, please email daybreakvolunteer@cc-doj.org or call 815-774-4663 ext. 3138.
Back to School Fairs
Each summer, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Joliet coordinates fairs to help low-income families get their children ready to return to school. Planning for the fairs begins in January each year, but it’s never too late to call!
Please contact the following persons for more information:
- In DuPage County, contact Amy LaFauce at alafauce@cc-doj.org or 630-495-8008.
- In Will County, contact Stephanie Ambrose at sambrose@cc-doj.org or call 815-774-4663 ext. 3138.
- In Kankakee County, call 815-933-7791 or email showe@cc-doj.org.
Holiday Programs
The holidays have a way of putting additional pressures on families everywhere. Some of our neighbors find this season almost impossible to deal with both financially and emotionally. Through these programs you can make the holiday season a joyful one for a family, a child, a senior by participating in one of the following programs:
- Holiday Outreach Program (DuPage County)
This program matches parishes with low-income families who have already prepared a personalized wish list and also asks individual donors to make monetary or gift card donations that will be distributed to needy families to purchase food during the Christmas holiday. Donations of new and unwrapped winter outerwear, hats, gloves and scarves in children’s and adult sizes will also be distributed to the low-income families and homeless who seek our help during the winter months. Each year the program meets the needs of over 700 families. To get involved or become a donor, call 630-495-8008 or email alambert@cc-doj.org. - Holiday Outreach Program (Will County)
This program matches donors with low-income families from our Head Start and Early Head Start Programs. Head Start serves over 700 families each year. To get involved or become a donor, call 815-723-3405. - Daybreak Center Holiday Outreach Program (Will County)
Daybreak Center is the largest shelter of its kind in Will County and provides emergency shelter for up to 100 persons each night. This program matches donors with the needs of families and children in the shelter. To get involved or become a donor, contact Stephanie Ambrose at sambrose@cc-doj.org. - Sharing the Warmth (Kankakee County)
This program matches donors with low-income seniors, most of them homebound, who have already prepared a wish list based on their needs. To get involved or become a donor, call Jennifer Wick at 815-723-3405 or email jwick@cc-doj.org.
Undy Sunday
During October, dozens of churches, schools, and other organizations participate in Catholic Charities’ Undy Sunday – a drive to collect underwear, socks and pajamas for needy children and adults served through Catholic Charities. Volunteers are needed to help coordinate the event, arrange pick-up and delivery of undies and assist office staff.
For more information, contact Stephanie Hook at shook@cc-doj.org.
Volunteers are always needed for the fundraisers that Catholic Charities hosts throughout the year. There are a variety of different opportunities, including planning events, volunteering at events, helping secure silent auction donation items, creating beautiful baskets for auctions, etc.
For more information, email info@cc-doj.org.