Gift of Christmas 2024
Thank you for considering making a donation to the individuals and families in our Gift of Christmas collection. Please read the following stories and find someone you would like to help this Christmas. Or, simply make a donation to be used wherever the need is greatest.
If you have any questions, please email or call 815-724-1140.
If we receive enough donations to fulfill the needs of all clients listed, additional donations will go toward our Annual Christmas Appeal, which will take care of clients served by Catholic Charities year-round. May God Bless you and your family.
The stories below are all true stories about current clients at Catholic Charities. Their names have been changed to protect their privacy.
- Selena, 36, is beyond grateful to be living in her own apartment after spending many years living in a makeshift tent in the woods. She slept on the ground, with a few bunched-up blankets as a bed. She now has a bed to sleep in, enjoys warm showers, and has her very own kitchen where she enjoys recreating her grandmother’s Mexican recipes. Selena has a new job at a restaurant and is full of hope for the future. A gift of $150 will provide Selena with new clothes and shoes for work and housewares for her cozy apartment.
- Rose, 68, feels alone and isolated as she faces inoperable cancer and prepares to move into hospice. After housing expenses, she has $90 a month for everything else. Rose doesn’t have much but is always trying to help others. She’s losing weight quickly as her cancer progresses, and her clothes are too large. Rose would use your gift of $150 to buy slippers, a robe, pajamas, and a sweater to keep warm.
- Nick, 35, lives alone in a home without running water or natural gas. In high school, Nick became his grandmother’s full-time caregiver and never had the opportunity to work because he was always needed at home. When she moved into a long-term care facility earlier this year, Nick was left alone and without an income. The home is in disrepair, and Nick doesn’t have the means to make any improvements. He hasn’t had a working refrigerator since 2012. Nick relies on a neighbor for transportation and assistance getting food and water. However, Nick’s neighbor has recently become ill and can no longer help as much. Your $150 will provide Nick with shelf-stable food, water, and clothing.
- Maria, a single mother with three daughters, has been the victim of labor trafficking, sexual assault, and domestic violence. As a child, she endured physical abuse at the hands of her mother and left home at age 16 – never returning. As an adult, Maria was nearly killed in a violent attack by her partner. He is now in prison, serving a sentence for attempted homicide. Recently, Maria sold her car to get money for rent. A gift of $250 would help Maria provide diapers, clothing, and shoes for her family.
- David, 54, recently moved into an apartment after living in a shelter. Unfortunately, David doesn’t have the resources to purchase any household items. He’s using garbage bags as blinds and doesn’t have basics like lamps and towels. Each day, David goes to Catholic Charities’ Shepherd’s Table for lunch – often his only meal of the day. A $150 donation will help David make his apartment more comfortable with curtains, lamps, towels, and other basic items.
- Lexi gave birth last month after a very difficult pregnancy. She was unable to work due to pregnancy complications and was also trying to care for two children under two years old while her husband worked. The baby was born prematurely and spent two weeks in the NICU. She was also diagnosed with a genetic disorder and has been hospitalized for failure to gain weight. Lexi has also been hospitalized since the baby was born with additional health concerns. With five young children at home and high medical expenses, Lexi and her husband are worried about providing a bright Christmas for their family. A gift of $350 will help provide books, art kits, sensory toys, preemie clothing, and nursing-friendly tops.
- Tilly, 63, was paralyzed after spinal surgery earlier this year. She has been in and out of hospitals and rehab facilities for the past seven months. Her husband, Stephen, still works, but his income cannot pay for the expensive medical bills and assistive technology needed to care for his wife. A gift of $200 would help offset medical expenses and supplies needed for Tilly’s daily care.
- Bea, 25, is a single mother with four children under six. She recently gave birth to a baby boy, but postpartum depression and the pressure of working full-time have left her feeling overwhelmed. The young mother lives in a single room with all of her children. It’s crowded and stressful. Bea dreams of having a home for her children. A gift of $250 will provide this family with bedsheets, pillows, winter clothing, and a couple of Christmas gifts.
- Ed and Roselyn are seniors whose home burned to the ground in January. They have moved into a new home, but are still experiencing the devastating financial impact of losing their belongings in the fire. Ed is bed-bound due to injuries sustained in the fire. After decades in a trade, Ed had to resign due to his injuries, leaving the household without an income. A $200 would help Ed and Roselyn this Christmas.
- When Laura, 56, lost her mother suddenly, she was forced to leave the family home had nowhere to go. This was devastating to Laura, who had lived and worked on a farm that was in her family for generations. She worked hard all day on the farm and cared for her mother when she got home. When her mother passed, Laura’s whole world seemed to slip away. Laura is staying in Catholic Charities’ non-congregate shelter program while she tries to secure housing. This strong and determined woman is also seeing a therapist to help process her new reality. A gift of $150 will provide Laura with bins to organize her belongings while she’s in the shelter and also personal care items.
- Fiona, 75, has guardianship of her 55-year-old disabled sister and her 12-year-old granddaughter. Fiona’s granddaughter has autism and some difficult behavior to manage at times. This selfless woman displays tremendous strength and courage each day. She never complains—Fiona does her best and puts the rest “in God’s hands.” This household is on a very limited budget. A $200 donation will help provide incontinence supplies, bath towels, dolls, and Coca-Cola.
- In 2017, Sonya and Ruben became parents to a sweet baby girl. She was immediately diagnosed with a heart condition and several congenital diseases. The tiny baby was fighting for her life as she endured open heart surgeries, but her heart got weaker and weaker, leading to cardiac arrest. She spent more than a year in the hospital on a ventilator, awaiting a heart transplant. Thankfully, she was finally able to come home after receiving a new heart. In 2019, the family welcomed a healthy baby boy. The parents work very hard, but the expenses of having a child with complex and ongoing medical needs are extremely high. They struggle to pay bills. A gift of $200 would help this family with basic expenses like food and clothes.
- Trinity’s 14-year-old daughter has a severe disability and is unable to walk or talk. The teenager has many health problems and is often hospitalized. Trinity is a single mother with two children and is unable to cover the household expenses. She often goes to food pantries to ensure that her children have meals. In October, Trinity was terminated from her job because she had missed too many days to care for her daughter. Her greatest fear is losing their home. $200 will provide Trinity’s family with clothing, shoes, soap, and food.
- Lakshmi was so distressed during her divorce that she became suicidal. Despite the divorce, Lakshmi’s ex-husband is still unkind to her and their two children. She feels abandoned, worthless, and overwhelmed with the responsibility of being a single mother. Lakshmi is in therapy and recently was accepted into school. She’s looking forward to furthering her education to provide a better life for her family. A gift of $200 would help Lakshmi purchase school supplies for her classes, clothes for her children, and a bit of help catching up on rent.
- When Ophelia’s twin sons were born two years ago, she was staying in a homeless shelter. The boys were born prematurely and have experienced developmental delays. The medical demands have made it difficult for Ophelia, a single mother, to maintain employment. Working as a certified nursing assistant (CNA), Ophelia has long desired to continue her education to become a registered nurse. Last year, she was able to begin taking classes to work toward achieving that goal. She is determined to improve her family’s situation and to provide a better life for her children than she had growing up. And Ophelia is working HARD as she balances homework, the boy’s medical appointments, maintaining her apartment, and everything else that needs to be done as a single parent. A gift of $200 will help provide a comforter, headphones to use for school, and toys for her children.
- Walter, 63, lost his home after a fire. He stayed in a shelter for nearly nine months while he tried to secure a job with enough income to move into a new apartment. Walter struggles with anxiety and depression, which were triggered by his unstable living situation. Now that Walter is in the Catholic Charities Rapid Rehousing Program, he has a job, can pay his bills, and is on the road toward becoming self-sufficient again. A gift of $150 will help Walter purchase clothing this winter.
- Rachel, 33, is a single parent living with her two-year-old daughter. The toddler has lived nearly her entire life in a homeless shelter. Today, Rachel works at a daycare center that her daughter attends to help offset the cost of childcare a bit, but it’s still very expensive on a low income. In April, the mother and daughter moved into an apartment as part of Catholic Charities’ Tenant Base Rental Assistance (TBRA). Rachel is very excited about this step toward self-sufficiency. The future is bright for this family as Rachel is attending school to become qualified for higher-paying positions in early childhood education. She has a plan and she’s working toward her goals! A $200 gift will help Rachel purchase clothing and Christmas gifts for her daughter.
- Bianca and her husband will welcome their third child shortly before Christmas. The family recently moved into their own apartment after staying with relatives. Bianca is grateful to have her own space and privacy. However, they don’t have any living room furniture and only have dining chairs to sit on. Without a vehicle, the family relies on walking and public transportation. The couple also share a cellphone to keep expenses low. Bianca’s husband works two full-time jobs, but they still struggle financially. A gift of $250 will provide clothing, baby items, and boots for Bianca’s family this Christmas.
- Doris, 79, has been in and out of the hospital due to chronic lung disease. She has been on IV antibiotics at home for weeks, which have side effects that leave her feeling unwell most days. Doris trusts in God and knows that everything will be okay if she takes it day by day, but she’s feeling overwhelmed. Her husband, Karl (80) does his best to care for his wife at home. A $200 donation will provide groceries to this couple struggling to put food on the table.
- After experiencing domestic violence, LaTasha and her toddler son were evicted from their home over the summer and had nowhere to go. The young mother has an order of protection against her child’s father, and it’s a difficult adjustment for her son to no longer see his dad. A $200 gift will help this unhoused mother provide a few toys for her child this Christmas as she saves to afford a home.
- Marge, 62, is wheelchair-bound after losing several toes on both feet due to complications from diabetes. She remains upbeat despite her challenges and even earns some income selling the crafts she makes. Due to her extremely tight budget, a gift of $150 would help Marge buy groceries this Christmas.
- When Brandon, 25, and Diane, 21 found out that they were going to become parents last year, they quickly committed to sobriety after years of drug use. The baby is now 8 months old and they are still doing well and working toward their goals of stability and self-sufficiency. Although they are currently experiencing homelessness, this family is preparing to move into an apartment with help from a housing assistance program. Unfortunately, after living without a home for a long period of time, they don’t have any furniture or housewares. A gift of $200 will provide furniture, babyproofing items, and clothes for the baby.
- Carly nearly lost her life while giving birth two months ago. During her pregnancy, Carly was high-risk and unable to work, which left the family in a dire financial situation. She tried finding a work-from-home position to earn an income while on bedrest but was unable to find a job. Although she is still recovering from the traumatic childbirth, Carly looks forward to returning to full-time employment next month. A gift of $200 will help provide winter clothing, boots, toys for Christmas, and nonperishable food items.
- Diego, 28, is a single father working full-time to provide for his three-year-old daughter. Although he works long hours, Diego’s first priority is always his child. He brings her to Head Start each day, asks about her progress and development, and makes sure that all of her needs are met. He admits that juggling his commitments can be difficult, but he is proud of his little family and adores his daughter. A gift of $200 will provide this family with towels, bedding, shoes, clothing, and toys for Diego’s daughter for Christmas.
- After staying in a shelter, Gina and her two young adult sons are in a Catholic Charities Permanent Supportive Housing Program. While in the program, Gina has worked hard to strengthen her mental health. She recently secured full-time employment in healthcare and is testing to enroll in nursing school. Becoming a registered nurse will help Gina reach her goals. A gift of $200 will help Gina and her son purchase shoes to wear while on their feet at work all day. The family also needs warm clothes for winter.
- Nat, 62, was recently released from the hospital after having a toe amputated. He’s now working to regain some of his mobility and independence, but it’s a huge adjustment. Nat would prefer not to ask for help and has always been self-sufficient. He’s also on dialysis, which depletes his energy. With these medical issues, Nat and his wife are concerned about unaffordable hospital bills. A gift of $200 will purchase gas cards to help Nat and his wife afford to travel back and forth to dialysis.
- Uma, 27, stayed in a domestic violence shelter with her two young children after fleeing a very dangerous living situation. She entered a Catholic Charities housing rapid rehousing program and was able to move to a new town, away from her abuser. Uma loves her new home and takes pristine care of it. She loves that she lives within walking distance of her daughter’s preschool. Uma is very grateful for the help she’s received and for her bright future. With your $200 gift, Uma will purchase clothing and gas cards.
- Diana, 80, has been a dedicated volunteer with Catholic Charities, giving over 6,000 hours to comfort isolated seniors. Earlier this year, she suffered a fall that resulted in a broken back, leaving her unable to volunteer. After a challenging recovery, Diana is finally back home, but her mobility is limited, and she can no longer drive herself to appointments. A donation of $150 would provide a Lyft gift card, allowing Diana to get to her appointments safely.
- Nora, 32, is a full-time caregiver for her disabled father while also being a single parent to three children. Her car breaks down often, and Nora is sometimes unable to find a way for her three-year-old son to get to preschool. While caring for her father, Nora can’t have a job outside of the home, which drastically limits the family income. They only have enough money to cover the most basic expenses. A gift of $250 may be the only chance Nora has to provide presents for her children on Christmas morning.
- Malia, 45, her daughter, and one-year-old twin grandchildren have been living in a shelter together. One of the twins has a genetic condition that requires round-the-clock care, which is extremely stressful in a shelter environment. A gift of $250 will help Malia provide clothing and boots for the family. It will also give the children an opportunity to open gifts this Christmas – toys and books!
- Kiara, 22, is a young mother with three children (including a brand-new baby boy). She works full time, lives with family, and saved money for four years to afford her own apartment. She was so proud to move her family into a place of their own in September. A gift of $200 will help Kiara purchase Christmas presents for her children (dolls, clothes, and baby gear). With any leftover money, Kiara will purchase kitchen supplies to help set up her new apartment.
- Tatiana and her two young children recently came to the U.S. from the Democratic Republic of Congo due to violent conflict in the country. She and her husband made the painful decision that she and the children would seek asylum in the U.S. while he stayed behind. Tatiana speaks French and is learning English, but this is a barrier to employment. As a single mother without a support system, childcare is also unattainable – another challenge for securing a job. Although Tatiana applies for dozens of jobs, nothing works out. The family has no home or vehicle. As she works through this difficult chapter in her life, Tatiana remains patient and compassionate. She is resilient and determined to build a better life for her young children. A gift of $200 will help purchase diapers, food, clothing, and shoes and will help with affording public transportation to take her daughter to school.
- Georgia, 66, is a kind soul who lives alone in a subsidized senior housing apartment complex. She is a devoted volunteer and is cherished by the people she helps. Her income is very low, and Georgia could not afford her bills when her utilities went up a bit due to inflation. She goes to food pantries but still struggles to pay for basic needs items. A gift of $150 will help Georgia purchase toothpaste, deodorant, groceries, and gas.
- Nadia, 28, is a single mother without a family support system and receives very little child support. She works long hours to try to pay her bills and care for her three young children. The children have all attended Catholic Charities’ Head Start Program, and she is very dedicated to their education and well-being. Through her challenges, Nadia remains kind and understanding and always has a smile on her face. Your gift of $250 will help Nadia purchase clothing, shoes, and food.
- Nancy, 67, came to Catholic Charities when she was struggling to afford rent. Fiercely independent, she found it hard to accept help, but she was terrified of losing her apartment. Now, Nancy lives in a home shared with other seniors, but she has her own private room. She’s happy to have a living situation that is within her budget and no longer has to worry about homelessness. A $150 gift will provide basic needs items for Nancy as she continues to catch up on her bills.
- Becca is going through a difficult divorce, leaving her as a single mother without a job or a car. One of her four children attends Catholic Charities’ Head Start Program, and Becca walks him to school each day. A $250 donation will help Becca afford some much-needed items, including food, a bus pass, and Christmas gifts for her children.
- Kate, 47, her brother, and her sister experienced homelessness this year. Mental health struggles have created challenges for Kate throughout her life, but she now has a job and is feeling stable. Her vehicle badly needs new tires, and your gift of $200 will help Kate replace her tires so that she can drive safely (up and downhill) to work each day this winter.
- Ellen basically raised herself after her mother passed away when she was young. She works hard at her full-time job to support her fiancé and three children. Ellen’s four-year-old child has special needs and requires a lot of assistance. With limited resources, Ellen knows that she will be unable to provide gifts for her children this Christmas. She dreams of having a tree with gifts beneath. A gift of $250 will provide gifts for Ellen’s children, including craft kits and anything with Elmo!
- Kevin, 32, is staying at Daybreak Center and recently had a setback in his job search when he needed foot surgery. He is extremely focused on the future and ready to work hard to reach his goals. He pictures himself in a cozy apartment where he can cook his own meals. Kevin will also be able to spend more time with his children when he has a safe apartment for them to stay in. Kevin is preparing to return to the workforce, so your gift of $150 will provide clothes and shoes for job interviews, and Christmas gifts for his children.
- Karmen went through a difficult divorce this year, leaving her a single mother to her three young children, including a baby. She has been having a hard time processing her four-year-old daughter’s recent autism diagnosis. This dedicated mother works full-time but still has trouble putting food on the table. A $200 would help Karmen purchase groceries and clothing and provide a bit of money to help pay her utilities.
- Maya, 38, became unhoused after a domestic dispute which made it unsafe and impossible to continue living in her home. She feels embarrassed and self-conscious about her situation. Maya never thought she would be staying in a shelter and her self-esteem is suffering. This self-doubt is making it difficult to secure a job and move forward. A gift of $150 will provide Maya with clothing, which will help her feel more confident as she works toward self-sufficiency.
- Celeste, 25, her husband, and their two children are living in a motel. Previously, the family lived with Celeste’s grandmother, who moved out of state, and they had nowhere else to go. The young mother is expecting her third child and feeling scared because their living situation is unstable. A gift of $200 will help Celeste purchase items for the new baby, gas for the car, food, and to save money for a deposit on an apartment.
- Aanya works two jobs to support her family as a single mother with three children. She receives no child support and has fallen behind on her mortgage. Despite her busy work schedule and challenges, Aanya is sure that her toddler daughter is at Head Start daily and that the children are well cared for. A gift of $200 will provide warm clothes and boots, food, and toys for Christmas.
- Olive is a single mother with two toddlers. She’s trying hard to save money but recently had a car repair, which was a setback. A gift of $200 will help Olive provide clothing, toys, books, housewares, bedding, and Christmas dinner.
- Camila’s family came to the U.S. with asylum after their lives were threatened and they faced terrifying threats and a home invasion at gunpoint. When Camila, her husband, and their two young children fled their home, it was an emergency and they were only able to bring a bit of money and a few valuables. Everything else was left behind. Thankfully, the family can get by on the savings they have, but money is running out. Camila’s husband now has work authorization and is applying for jobs, eager to work. A gift of $200 will provide help to this family, who has endured a lot of trauma this year.
- Destiny is a working, single parent who plans to return to school soon. She’s eager to continue her education but has struggled to juggle work and school as a single mom with two young children. In addition to caring for her children, Destiny helps her aging father and frequently babysits for family members. A $200 gift would help this young family get coats, boots, hats, scarves, gloves, toys, and books for her children. With anything left over, Destiny would love a Christmas tree, ornaments, and food for a nice Christmas dinner.
- Amayra and her partner are both unemployed. They try to support their family by working for a ride-share company, but it’s not enough to cover their expenses. The family receives home-based Head Start services, and Amayra is very engaged in her child’s learning and development. A gift of $250 will help this family afford warm clothes and toys this Christmas.
- Cora works nights and lives with her parents so that she can care for her toddler son during the day. He has many health problems, which have required multiple hospitalizations and ongoing therapies. Staying in the hospital as a baby has resulted in some developmental delays. Between working all night and parenting all day, Cora barely has time to sleep. A gift of $200 will provide toys, books, clothes, and shoes for Cora’s son this Christmas.
- When Hope came to Catholic Charities, she was expecting her fourth child and homeless after leaving a domestic violence situation. Through a Catholic Charities’ Transitional Housing Program, Hope’s family moved into a home just before her baby was born over the summer. Unpaid maternity leave has created financial challenges, but Hope is back to work and catching up on bills. A $300 donation will provide clothing for Hope’s children and household items for their new home.
- Ingrid is a single mother who welcomed her second child this autumn. She looks forward to returning to work because it’s been nearly impossible to keep up with bills during her maternity leave. Transportation is always an issue for Ingrid because she doesn’t always have access to a car and depends on friends/family to drive her family where they need to go. A gift of $200 will provide Ingrid’s children with clothing, bedding, toys, and holiday food.
- Elizabeth, 66, and Marilyn, 65, both work part-time, but it’s still not enough to make ends meet. When Elizabeth isn’t at work, she is helping care for four of her grandchildren. They are humble and have difficulty reaching out for help because of a strong desire to remain independent. However, they experienced homelessness this year. A $200 donation will provide Marilyn with pajamas, a hat, gloves, and food. Your gift will also purchase Uber/Lyft cards for Elizabeth, who doesn’t have transportation for work.
- After Hassan had major surgery in April, he was unable to work and got behind on rent. Catholic Charities provided rental assistance to ensure that Hassan, his wife, and their five young children remained housed. A $300 donation will help Hassan provide clothing and household goods to his large family.
- Zara, 32, is a single mother with two sons. Her three-year-old son is facing health concerns that require many medical appointments and an upcoming surgery. She is very emotional about her son’s health and extremely concerned about the financial impact the medical bills will have on them. Your $200 gift will provide household items, bedding, coats, toys, and shoes for winter.
- Megan, 28, is expecting her fifth child. Each of her children has attended Catholic Charities’ Head Start Program. As a single mother, Megan struggles to afford clothing, food, and personal hygiene products. Two of her children have special needs and attend alternate schools, which requires Megan to drive them each morning. This busy mother would use a $350 donation to purchase basic needs items and a gas card.
- Helena and her two-year-old son were staying with friends, but the environment became overcrowded and unsafe. Unable to afford rent, Helena and her son are now staying in Catholic Charities’ non-congregate shelter program. This young mother is trying secure employment, but she is facing challenges, including needing affordable childcare. A gift of $200 would mean so much to Helena, who has many needs. She would use the money for personal care products, clothing, and a few Christmas gifts for her daughter.
- Darren, 46, has been staying at Daybreak Center since last winter. He became unhoused following a family conflict that left his resources depleted. While staying at the shelter, Darren has worked on developing positive coping skills. He also revealed that he felt that this mental health was suffering and began seeing a therapist (available free of charge to clients) at Daybreak. Darren uses music to help reduce stress and anxiety, but in a community living environment, he needs headphones to hear the music and not disturb others. Your gift of $150 will provide Darren with personal care items and headphones, which he plans to us at the shelter and as he takes walks to get fresh air and exercise. Taking a walk while listening to music will help Darren get through his most challenging days.
- After a period of homelessness, Tara and her three children were able to move into an apartment through a Catholic Charities Transitional Housing Program. Tara works outside of the home while her children are in school and daycare, but without any support from friends or family, she struggles. A $250 donation would give Tara’s children some of the Christmas gifts they’re dreaming about – Transformers, trucks, cars, Junie B Jones books, and character bedding.
- When Frank and Pat’s daughter tragically passed away after giving birth, they took custody of their three granddaughters. They adore the girls and are doing their best to provide a stable home environment and the family grieves. Frank and Pat both have disabilities, which creates additional challenges. As older grandparents, they are living on a fixed social security income. A gift of $250 will provide coats and boots for Frank and Pat, and gifts for the girls, including items on their wish list – Minnie Mouse bedding, makeup for the teenager, and early learning tools for the baby.
- Raina, 39, is a single female who is not able to live independently due to severe mental health challenges and limited mental capacity. She has lived with different family members throughout her life, but has exhausted resources and found herself unhoused earlier this year. She is working closely with her case manager at Daybreak Center with the goal of securing alternative supportive housing environment before Christmas. A gift of $150 will provide personal care products. Raina is always very well groomed and feels best when she has hair products, and makeup.
- Tim is a very pleasant and polite man who comes to Catholic Charities’ Shepherd’s Table regularly for lunch. He remembers a time when he says he “had it all” – a beautiful wife, a house, and a car. However, a tragedy took two close family members and left him alone, devastated, and struggling with very serious depression. It’s hard for Tim to talk about how quickly he lost everything he had worked so hard for. A $150 donation will help Tim purchase nice clothes for job interviews. He also needs a new backpack, since his current bag is falling apart and it’s where he keeps his most important belongings and documents.
- Vera didn’t allow homelessness to keep her from achieving her educational goals. After graduating in April, Vera was able to secure a better job with an income to support herself and her son. This strong mother plans to move into an apartment before Christmas. A gift of $200 will help Vera purchase items to make her new home comfortable. Her favorite color is blue and she’s dreaming of having blue bedding and décor.
To make a donation, click here. If you would prefer to call in your donation, please call 815-724-1140. Thank you!